The eight normative frameworks of educational legislation Spanish (1980-2013): analysis of school management



Published 15-06-2020
Jesús Fernando Pérez Lorenzo Carmen Gallego-Domínguez Amelia Pigner Rosa


Thirty-three years, eight laws; one every four years in an arithmetic average. This situation serves to offer an explanation of what is happening in Spain within the current educational perspective, where the most objective paradigms such as PISA reports put us in a daunting scenario and offer a hopeless vision of the future. In addition, the political events and the ineffectiveness of the last attempt at a pact for the education in 2018 is also not that effective. This agreement was intended to put an end to this normative carousel marked by decisions and political interests and not by the educational or social needs of our students. Finally, in the normative analysis carried out, it also focuses attention on the description of how school leadership has evolved in educational regula-tions (access and selection).

How to Cite

Pérez Lorenzo, J. F. ., Gallego-Domínguez, C., & Pigner Rosa, A. . (2020). The eight normative frameworks of educational legislation Spanish (1980-2013): analysis of school management. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (23), 184–206. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 57 | Cabas2309 (Español) Downloads 36



School leadership, Educational laws, historical perspective, PISA

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