The Photo Library of the Laboratory Art of the Seville University A pioneering photographic background in Spain



Published 15-12-2018
Alfonso Ojeda Barrera


The Fototeca-Laboratorio de Arte is a General Research Service which is part of the Technology and Innovation Research Center of the University of Seville (CITIUS) that contains a documentary collection made up of several hundred thousand historical photographs of incalculable value. Through its funds and collections, it is posible to develop an interesting journey about the historical evolution of the artistic heritage of Andalusia, Spain and a high proportion of Europe and America throughout the second half of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Undoubtedly, the multiplicity of photographic procedures which thati it conserves, the high volume of negative and positive of diverse format and support that it keep and the thematic richness that characterizes it, make this photographic archive of the University of Seville a primordial source of graphic information for the study of the History of the Art.

How to Cite

Ojeda Barrera, A. . (2018). The Photo Library of the Laboratory Art of the Seville University: A pioneering photographic background in Spain. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (20), 57–72. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Murillo Herrera, Seville, Photography, Fund, Collection, Cultural Heritage

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