María Luisa de Haro (1838- ). A private woman teacher: Some flashes of her life



Published 15-12-2014
José Luís Rodríguez Villa


An introduction about some patterns in the life of a woman teacher during the post civil Spanish war ages at a town in Cantabria and who brought her job into harmony with her family life duties.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Villa, J. L. (2014). María Luisa de Haro (1838- ). A private woman teacher: Some flashes of her life. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (12), 125–131. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 60 | Cabas1209 (Español) Downloads 22



Vocation, post civil Spanish war, woman teacher, private school, the school, the family, curiosities, personality features

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School Story