Education and Enlightenment. Demonstrations in Cantabria



Published 15-12-2009
Clotilde Gutiérrez García


The 18th century has been called the "educating century", given the concern there was in it to address some educational aspects that had been forgotten until then: qualification of teachers, civic and physical education, teaching of practical and useful sciences, education of girls, use of persuasion and rewards rather than punishment, and knowledge of the psychology of the pupil. The aim is to train good citizens, useful to the State and to society. At the end of this process, the individual and collective happiness to which every citizen aspires will be achieved.

How to Cite

Gutiérrez García, C. . (2009). Education and Enlightenment. Demonstrations in Cantabria. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (02), 88–111. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Enlightenment, Cantabria

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