The Teacher Training College in Seville from 1931 to 1945: The Republican attempt to introduce coeducation.



Published 15-12-2009
Juan Diego Rueda Andrades


The research work that we propose cannot be taken as a study of the assets obtained by women in the republican period, as opposed to earlier and, more sadly, later periods during Franco's regime. Our work is based on the changes that took place in such an important institution for the formation of future generations, going deeper into its functioning and organisation. Given the numerous political and social changes that took place during the period under study, it is very difficult for us to give a faithful account of the reality of the Normal School, but we hope that the way in which the various pieces of information found are narrated will help the reader to understand the importance of this institution in the social development of the women of the time...

How to Cite

Rueda Andrades, J. D. . (2009). The Teacher Training College in Seville from 1931 to 1945: The Republican attempt to introduce coeducation. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (02), 125–150. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 19 | Cabas0207 (Español) Downloads 9



Teacher's School, Sevilla, Second Republic, coeducation

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