From the recovery of school heritage to teacher training: the Pedagogical Museum of the University of Huelva
The Pedagogical Museum of the University of Huelva joins to the institutional initiatives related with the recovery and the diffusion of the school heritage, which are increasingly numerous.
An important part of its activity focuses in contributing to the basic education of teachers, since it is situated in a campus devoted to teacher training. In some way, this peculiarity is one of the features of the museum, when higher education activities related with the educational heritage are still few. This is the reason why it turns necessary to explain the foundations in which the museographic proposal is based.
After this explanation, we describe in brief the collections, as well as the structure of its permanent exhibition. In the same way, we explain some of the activities that this new institution is developing, in relation with the initial teachers training as well as with the remaining educative levels’ centres.
How to Cite
school heritage, teacher training, Pedagogical Museum, University of Huelva, Huelva
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