The schoolteacher who promised the sea. A life story and a moving film Une histoire de vie et un film émouvants



Published 12-06-2024
Anton Costa Rico


A comment on the life of Antoni Benaiges,  schoolteacher during the courses from 1934 to 1936 in the town of Bañuelos de Bureba, in the Spanish province of Burgos. He carried out an emancipatory educational practice, of high civic content and awakening in children the passion to learn and to express their word. The Franco dictatorial coup of July 1936 sowed a trail of death among democrats caused, also, his death and silencing his life, rediscovered in the present through a meticulous microhistorical observation, giving rise to several publications and a moving film.



How to Cite

Costa Rico, A. (2024). The schoolteacher who promised the sea. A life story and a moving film: Une histoire de vie et un film émouvants. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (31), 307–311.
Abstract 38 | Cabas3120 (Español) Downloads 30



Antoni Benaiges, school of the Second Republic , Freinet Pedagogy , chils expression , murder, film

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El film de Patricia Fontt (2023). El maestro que prometió el mar.
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