Publication ethics

Integrity in research publishing has become a major topic of debate in recent years. The editors of Cabás are seriously concerned about the rise of plagiarism and other forms of fraud and misconduct in scholarly publishing. We consider it an essential part of our ethical responsibilities as editors to be aware of these challenges and to develop strategies to address them. We expect the same awareness from our journal reviewers. Editors are responsible and accountable for everything they publish.

Cabás is committed to ethical standards in its own editorial policy. The editors of Cabás make every effort to ensure fair and transparent peer review processes and editorial decisions.

Any detected cases of misconduct, whether by authors, reviewers or editors, will be severely punished.

To support and promote integrity in research publication, we fully endorse the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Authors, by submitting their work to Cabás, accept the Publication Ethics Policy and possible malpractices according to the international agreements set out in the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the International Standards for editors and authors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Mechanisms to combat plagiarism

All articles submitted to the journal Cabás will be analysed by means of Turnitin or similar programmes to avoid the publication of plagiarised texts and to check their originality.