Euskal testu corpusa osatzen: J.P. Ulibarriren "Egunare eusquerazcoa erderascotic itzuliya"



Published 22-07-2011
Koldo Ulibarri


This article presents the calendar Egunare eusquerazkoa erdarascotic itzuliya (Basque calendar translated from Spanish), published in 1815 by J. P. Ulibarri, a writer from Okondo (Araba), which was for many years thought lost. The work summarises what Basque bibliographies have said to date about Egunare (§1), as well as describing the volume, both physically and according to subject matter (§2). The third section (§3) focuses on Ulibarri's authorship: although the published text did not include the author's name it is taken here to be the work of the veterinary surgeon and the article highlights the importance of the work when it comes to examining his form of writing and the kind of Basque used. Lastly, the text itself is presented, both in terms of a semi-palaeographical edition and in facsimile form.

How to Cite

Ulibarri, Koldo. 2011. “Quot”;. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 45 (2):71-113.
Abstract 206 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 232

