-(k)i eta -ra



Published 15-10-2012
Beatriz Fernández


In this paper, I will propose that the Basque inflectional morpheme -(k)i is an applicative morpheme which 'applies' (dative) object arguments to the structure. This morpheme appears mostly to the left of the root and precedes the dative agreement markers. The applicative strategy to add dative objects is general across Basque varieties, there being no meaningful syntactic differences among them in this area. However, in north-eastern varieties, from the earliest texts, a causative morpheme -ra (Lafon 1980 [1944]) is also attested in ditransitive auxiliary forms (as can be seen in the 16 th century system found in writers such as Leizarraga). This causative morpheme adds an external argument to the structure. As I will show, this causative element combines with the applicative morpheme in Leizarraga's ditransitive forms. In such cases, the applicative can be morphologically realized (as -ki or -k), or alternatively, it can change the phonological shape of the dative agreement markers themselves. Besides, there are some forms which include the causative morpheme but no overt applicative. As dative agreement markers are also found in these forms, I will conclude that a silent applicative is also present in the derivation of these auxiliary forms.

How to Cite

Fernández, Beatriz. 2012. “-(k)i Eta -Ra”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 46 (2):257-70. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.13456.
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