Word-final plosives: Consonant clashes



Published 04-03-2021
José Ignacio Hualde
Ander Beristain
Ane Icardo Isasa
Jennifer Zhang


In Basque word-final stop consonants have very low lexical frequency, but very high token frequency in discourse, since final /-t/ and /-k/ appear in very common suffixes. Here we undertake an acoustic investigation of the phonetic realization of word-final stops, with a focus on consonant clusters that arise across word boundaries. Our analysis is based on a corpus of conversational speech. Measurements of relative intensity show that such clusters are usually greatly reduced. A more detailed spectrographic analysis confirms a tendency for /-k/ and /-t/ to be deleted or reduced to approximants preconsonantally. On the other hand, the devoicing phenomena reported in the dialectological literature (e.g. /k#b/ --> [p]) appear to be infrequent.

How to Cite

Hualde, José Ignacio, Ander Beristain, Ane Icardo Isasa, and Jennifer Zhang. 2021. “Word-Final Plosives: Consonant Clashes”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 53 (1/2):83-106. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.22412.
Abstract 226 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 187


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