Manuel Arriandiaga. Euskal aditza Bizkai, Gipuzko, Lapurdi ta Zuberoko izkerantzetan garbiturikoa



Publicado 02-04-1987
Itziar Laka


In "Manuel Arriandiaga: The Purified Verb in the Dialects of Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Lapurdi and Zuberoa", we publish a manuscript by Arriandiaga, sent by its author to Azkue in 1897, unknown until now, and found in the "Biblioteca Azkue" of the Euskaltzaindia.
   We conclude our edition of manuscript (studied in the previous article) with a glossary in which we comment on some of the more difficult words; these are largely neologisms from Azkue's Euskal Izkindea ("Basque Grammar"), and, on a lesser scale, from Larramendi, Aizkibel and Salcedo. The lexical entries are organised in the following way:
1. A definition or synonym of the word, in Basque.
2. An example from manuscript, giving chapter and page.
3. The source of the word.
   Whenever Euskal Izkindea is mentioned, and no page reference is given in brackets, the reader is referred to the lexical appendix of that work.

Cómo citar

Laka, Itziar. 1987. «Manuel Arriandiaga. Euskal Aditza Bizkai, Gipuzko, Lapurdi Ta Zuberoko Izkerantzetan Garbiturikoa». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 21 (3):755-811.
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