1619. urtean Sevillan argitaraturiko bertsoak: "Cancion en lengua Vascongada o Vizcayna que contiene la sustancia deste Sermon"
Koldo Ulibarri
This article presents a Basque poem published in Seville in 1619. It is a very significant
text, not only because of its early release, but most importantly because of the language
it uses, since it leads us to question some assertions of Basque dialectology. The first section explains where the poem was found, and the second deals with the poem's metrics
and content. This is followed by a critical edition of the text (§ 3), together with some remarks of interest (§ 4). The fifth section analyses certain features of the language of the
poem, which give some indication of its origin, and the next section (§ 6) summarises the conclusions of this analysis. The last section features a glossary and a verb table (§ 7), which can be useful for comprehension.
text, not only because of its early release, but most importantly because of the language
it uses, since it leads us to question some assertions of Basque dialectology. The first section explains where the poem was found, and the second deals with the poem's metrics
and content. This is followed by a critical edition of the text (§ 3), together with some remarks of interest (§ 4). The fifth section analyses certain features of the language of the
poem, which give some indication of its origin, and the next section (§ 6) summarises the conclusions of this analysis. The last section features a glossary and a verb table (§ 7), which can be useful for comprehension.
Cómo citar
Ulibarri, Koldo. 2011. «Quot»;. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 45 (1):361-85. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.9743.
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