Displaced Between the infamous trail and the prospective file; Place of the art and the reactive imaginary in the construction of the urban landscape
The aim of this research is to explore the contributions of art, it understood as an analytical tool for the social reality and also recognizing its skills in the task of recovering the public space from the institutional pressure to which it is subjected. For this matter, this paper places the debate about the city and the public in relation to the notion of displacement, as well as it will try to define their dialogical contributions in the field of aesthetics. The attraction to the notion of displaced it is not new. Its presence has occupied a central posi- tion in the traditional critical device due to its relation with denied reality. That is, in its demand to the obsolete, it has responded to the need not only to criticize the given as identity or history, but also to imagine another kind of resistant constructions against homogenization processes prevailing in society. Thus, the treatment of the excluded becomes a question of visibility that aims to create common sense. However, when the displaced joins just only the slogan identification, its emancipatory capacity ends up. Therefore, in this paper I will try to draw some consequences for the speech designed to give account of this experience, approaching, at the same time, to a generation of contemporary artists (Ibon Aranberri, Taxio Ardanaz), which are demonstrating the ability to offer alternative futures scripts in their willingness to make fiction of lost, marginal or suppressed information.
How to Cite
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