Soft war machines The desiring potential of cybernetics
Cybernetics has taken over from the technical and disciplinary social technologies that characterized the social machines in the productivist capitalism until the XVIII and XIX century. Through simultaneous control of the individual and the collective, singularizing the information and redistributing ubiquitously the control points, observation and surveillance throughout the social body, the new network era facilitates behaviors and prevent any accident in the same analytical and axiomatic operation that thus always justified itself, without the possibility of being at the same time controlled, analyzed. An all-one-machine threatens to be implemented as all-one-possible against chaos; for every body, affection, folk, singularity ... The speech for the use and development of soft technologies only partly opposed to this logic; because otherwise it is also part of it. Perhaps to break this loop is necessary to clarify the issues that within the movement itself respond the problematizations already expressed in the criticism that precede us.
How to Cite
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Deleuze, Gilles & Felix Guattari. 1973. Antiedipo, capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Traducción de Francisco Monge. Barcelona: Barral
Harries-Jones, Peter. 2016. Upside-down Gods: Gregory Bateson's World of Difference. New York: Fordham University
Lessig, Lawrence. 2005. Por una cultura libre. De cómo los grandes medios usan la tecnología y las leyes para encerrar la cultura y controlar la creatividad. Trad., Antonio Córdoba. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños
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Shannon, Claude E. 1948. "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". Bell System Technical Journal 27
Tiqqun (Grupo). 2015. La hipótesis cibernética. Traducción, Raúl Suárez Tortosa y Santiago Rodríguez Rivarola. Madrid: Acuarela
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