Reflections about the creation of an association that welcomes and represents the collective of cultural workers



Published 2019-12-30
Itziar Zorita Agirre


There are multiple associations built by artists and cultural workers whose mission is mainly to join forces to defend and demand improvements from a labor, political, social and existential point of view. However, there are still few cultural workers who join some kind of structured and formal associations. Faced with this reality, examples such as the InsultARTe community offer complementary alternatives for the meeting between cultural professionals. It is another type of community, more informal, that is established in digital spaces, from the margins and in conditions of bigger precariousness in terms of resources, visibility and ability to establish itself as a social interlocutor. The case of InsultARTe raises the discussion about what type of organization could be created, what are the professional profiles that could be included in this kind of community, its proper functioning or which organizational model should have.

How to Cite

Zorita Agirre, Itziar. 2019. “Reflections about the Creation of an Association That Welcomes and Represents the Collective of Cultural Workers”. AusArt 7 (2).
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