Image and representation The effects on the learning of art by how and what to write- a study on the academic syllabus for primary and secondary education in the Basque Autonomous Community



Published 2022-06-28
Olatz Otalora Landa Natalia Vegas Moreno


Pending a reformulation of the syllabus in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, and starting from the difficulties around speaking and writing about art, we will study the so-called Artistic Competence in the current educational plan and the text where it’s written, “Heziberri 2020” (2016). The main objective will be to establish a distinction between the ways of generating meaning in art and in communication-systems, deepening in the consequences that saying and writing one thing or the other have on the learning of art. For this purpose, and based on the inadequate analogy between communication-systems and art addressed by artist and professor of philosophy Aitor Izagirre (2008) we will merge the conclusions of two recent studies, declaring a complete distinction between art and the systems of language. Ultimately, we will address the need for a new educational project that will try to draw art out of the context of communicative practices, with the aim of encouraging the academic community and the producers of the field of art to revise the view proposed by the Department of Education, imagining new lexicons for writing.

How to Cite

Otalora Landa, Olatz, and Natalia Vegas Moreno. 2022. “Image and Representation: The Effects on the Learning of Art by How and What to Write- a Study on the Academic Syllabus for Primary and Secondary Education in the Basque Autonomous Community”. AusArt 10 (1).
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