Release technique and contact-improvisation Two contributions of American postmodern dance under the research paradigm
Emerging during the American post-modern dance revolution, release technique and contact-improvisation were conceived and developed as research-based learning processes. They represented a questioning of the traditional dimensions of dance learning that involved both the discovery of the principles of body technique through an understanding of the laws of physics in relation to movement and the anatomy of each body, and the creative and personal involvement of the dancer. These techniques promote a transformation in the way of thinking movement, which in turn becomes a way of generating thought about the body, personal engagement and the social vision of the art of dance. The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical contextualisation of the humanistic and pedagogical foundations of postmodern release and contact-improvisation techniques. The methodology is based on a bibliographical compilation and critical analysis that begins with a theoretical consideration of the research paradigm and moves down to the teaching styles under which both techniques are found.
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