1.- Introduction
The digital magazine Cabás is aimed at all those interested in historical-educational heritage, both in its tangible and intangible aspects.
Cabás is structured in the following sections:
- Monographs
- Articles
- Interviews
- Experiences
- School stories
- Historical-Educational Heritage Centres
- Photos with history
- Bibliographical reviews
These sections will be flexible in each issue.
The works must be sent through the magazine's platform.
Contributions submitted to Cabás Magazine must be original and unpublished, and related to the subject matter of the magazine; they must be adapted to one of the sections indicated.
All works, prior to publication, will be subjected to an evaluation by the Editorial Board of the Cabás Journal and to an electronic review to avoid plagiarism. Once this step has been passed, the text will be sent to two blind judges for evaluation. The approval or rejection of the articles will be communicated to the authors by e-mail.
2.- Submissions
Only submissions made through the OJS platform will be accepted. Two files must be sent at the time of submission, one with complete authorship data and the other anonymously.
The text must be sent in Microsoft Office Word, RTF or OfficeLibre format. The complete article must be sent, which must include images as well as formatted text, tables, etc. For the submission it is necessary to use the template of the journal.
The texts for the monographic sections, articles, interviews, experiences, school stories, Historical-Educational Heritage Centres and photos with original history will have a maximum length, including notes or bibliographical references, of 8,000 words. Bibliographical reviews shall not exceed 2,500 words. Exceptionally, the Editorial Board may accept articles that do not respect these lengths if there are justified reasons for doing so.
The text should be structured as follows:
- Title
- Author (s)
- Abstract: 50 to 100 words (in Spanish and English).
- Keywords or descriptors (maximum 6) (in Spanish and English).
- If funding has been received or the article comes from a research project, its reference will be included in the note corresponding to the authorship data (first note, marked with an asterisk).
- Text: see references in section 4.
Bibliography: see the format for references in section 5.
The order of authors will be established in proportion to each author's contribution to the article. The person who has collaborated and coordinated the article should be listed first, and the following authors will be listed in order of their contribution to the article. This evaluation will be carried out by the authors of the article according to the time spent and the proportion of production within the work presented.
Authors are requested to use inclusive and non-sexist language in the writing of articles and it is recommended that papers that have been carried out with research data including the sex variable, report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible differences between sexes.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor adjustments, if deemed necessary, to bring the texts into line with the latest edition of Ortografía de la lengua española. 2010. RAE.
3.- Illustrations, tables and graphs
The images must be accompanied by their corresponding captions (font size 10) and must be of sufficient quality for the edition.
4.- Text format
The text must be sent written using the journal's template.
If the author includes textual references in the text, they must be enclosed in inverted commas (high or Saxon inverted commas: ","). If they are longer than forty words, they must be placed in a separate paragraph, with double indentation.
5.- Citations or references (APA format)
At the end of the text there must be a "Bibliography" section in which all the references cited in the text of the contribution are listed. The APA format must be used for the citation.
Footnotes, if any, should be presented in numerical sequence, in superscript format, according to their order of appearance in the text. It is recommended that they be used only when it is necessary to include additional text to reinforce the argument. If it is a simple reference, i.e. if it lacks a commentary, the citation must be integrated into the text following the APA system; for example, (Author's surname, 2000, p. 30) would refer to page 30 of the work cited in the "Bibliography" section.
If there are one or more works by the same author published in the same year in the bibliography, they should be differentiated by a letter in subscript next to the year: (Author's surname, 2000a). The two surnames of an author will be used to avoid confusion in the event that two authors with the same first name and surname appear in the bibliography.
In the evaluation of the papers, the Editorial Board will value positively that articles published in previous issues of the journal appear in the original text.
6- Supplementary files
In the event that there are complementary files to the article, they will be accessed through a link that will be specified in the article. Supplementary files may be images, videos, or other files that do not present a risk for downloading or access. Preferably, the files will be given to the journal to be deposited in a repository. Only in the event that, due to its peculiarities, the complementary file is difficult or unfeasible to host on the journal's servers, the author will provide a URL for such access and the journal will check the correct access and the security guarantee of the URL provided.
7- Period for reception and acceptance of manuscripts
- Reception period
The reception of articles is open all year round. Authors should bear in mind that the articles will undergo blind evaluation, layout, etc., so the process between submission and publication will be lengthy.
- Acceptance Period
The decision on the acceptance or rejection of an article will be made as soon as the Editorial Board has two blind peer reviews. In case of discrepancy, a third evaluation will be requested.
The average time from receipt of an original to completion of the evaluation process is approximately three months.
Once the text has been accepted, proofs will be sent to the authors for correction within a short period of time.
8.- Evaluation criteria
The criteria for the evaluation of articles can be downloaded in the evaluation template.
9.- Declaration of the use of AI
Authors must transparently declare the use of AI tools in their manuscripts, if applicable. They should specify the name and version of the software used, and a brief description of how the AI was used. Such a statement should be made in the Methods section or where declarations of interest are listed.