Benito Santaya Dasi. Republican teacher. Thought and work
Benito Santaya Dasí, a republican teacher model, soul of the school. He knew how to transmit, especially to his students, the passion and love that he felt for school and teaching, for the teacher's profession. He was knowledgeable of the ideals and pedagogical and methodological praxis of the ILE and the new European schools, he received countless acknowledgments. He left a legacy of dedication and commitment with the public school (democratic, unique, alive, active, popular, renewed, co-educational) and a legacy of social and cultural involvement in each of the towns where he worked. He led projects for the modernisation, extension and democratisation of schools which became real with the proclamation of the Second Republic
How to Cite
public library, school canteen, scholastic colony, Freinet, ILE, school exchanges, pedagogical renewal, school magazine Cultura
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