An unfinished conversation. Deepeing our school story dialoguing with Paulo Freire



Published 15-12-2019
Jesús Javier Moreno Parra María Jesús Márquez García José Ignacio Rivas Flores


We propose a primary teacher education experience, based on the reading of Paulo Freire's book "Letters to whom intends to teach" dialoguing with the student’s school experience stories. Starting off a social gathering, we collectively rethink the current education in relation to histories of stu-dents, by the hand of a reference in the pedagogy of the century XX. This process has led us to interpret the functioning of school institutions and the value of education for the transformation of the world, of subjects and of society.

How to Cite

Moreno Parra, J. J. ., Márquez García, M. J. ., & Rivas Flores, J. I. (2019). An unfinished conversation. Deepeing our school story dialoguing with Paulo Freire. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (22), 34–46. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Biography, Teacher education, dialogic gathering, critical education

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