Locality and social images in the second cycle of primary education in the 1980s: a representative sample



Published 15-12-2011
Erika González García


We cannot conceive of a historian of education who ignores traditional life; hence the pressing need that arises to study individuals’ mentalities and therefore the images they created based on their ideologies, ways of acting and how they conceived the world. In particular, we are concerned in this work with this influence on the curriculum just as it is now established. In this sense, our aim in this work is none other than that of studying what social images have been transmitted to us by the textbooks of the 1980s for the Middle Cycle of Basic General Education (3rd, 4th and 5th years) on the subject of locality.

How to Cite

González García, E. (2011). Locality and social images in the second cycle of primary education in the 1980s: a representative sample. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (06), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.35072/CABAS.2011.25.52.001 (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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social images, General Law of Basic Education, textbooks, social sciences

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