New educational contexts of popular culture and ethnic minorities: museums and their educational function



Published 15-12-2013
Cristina Yanes Cabrera


The Europe-wide expansion of museums took place during the 19th century as a cultural phenomenon created by and for the middle classes. But the function of certain specific museums was evolving around the world during the 20th century and focusing on a dual target. On the one

hand, such museums were conceived as places to research, protect, safeguard, and disseminate the cultural heritage of more specific contexts (that is the case of ethnological museums, museums of history of education, museums of ethnic minorities, etc.). Since then, museums as institutions became part of non-formal education processes, extending to popular classes and contributing with new keys to the discussion on what culture is, which aspects of it should be exhibited and the way such exhibitions should be held, with the objective of reaching an educational and didactic purpose, or a mission a processs of a mentally arrange of consciences from a point of view of popular education and from an integral education of participative investigation.

The object of our paper is to show the evolution of museums as a system of cultural heritage representation and interpretation during the 20th Century. To do so, first we provide a sample of the world-wide panorama, such as Canada or Ecuador. Second, we depict the relevance of the new museology in the defence of the cultural diversity showing two concrete museums actions. Last, we discuss about the relationship between cultural heritage and education, focusing on the role of the museums as constructive elements of social identities.

How to Cite

Yanes Cabrera, C. (2013). New educational contexts of popular culture and ethnic minorities: museums and their educational function. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (10), 29–42. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 75 | Cabas1004 (Español) Downloads 56



Popular education, museums, cultural heritage, social identity, non-formal education, history of education

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