Elementary Education in the Spanish 1st. educational Francoism (1936-1970): the Achievements Levels of 1964
The Achievements Levels of 1964 culminated a process of pedagogical renovation of the Elementary school in the Spanish 1st. educational Francoism that had begun with the National questionnaires of 1953 and, for the first time in the Spanish educational regulations, they set out the learning that schoolchildren had to achieve in order to pass to the next grade. They included a total of 20 subjects, of which 15 had common questionnaires, two had separate questionnaires for boys and girls, and three were exclusively for girls. They brought two important pedagogical novelties: on the one hand, the explicit enunciation of 'exercises', 'notions' and 'habits', which we will find later in the Spanish 1990 reform (LOGSE), with the respective denominations of procedural, conceptual and attitudinal contents, and on the other hand, some 'skills' that in 1990 will be called transversal contents.
How to Cite
Elementary education, Questionnaires, Achievements Levels, Spanish educational 1st. Francoism, Spanish Francoism, Educational interdisciplinarity, History of Spanish education
Cartilla Escolar de la Circulación. Realizada por la Ponencia Escolar de Prevención de Accidentes del Real Automóvil Club de Cataluña. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Comisaría de Extensión Cultural (Barcelona: Seix y Barral Hnos.), 1957, 35 pp.
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