A project for the recovery of educational heritage from the territory. The old schools in the region of Maestrazgo



Published 21-12-2023
Estefanía Monforte García Sofía Sánchez Giménez


This article explains how a project for the recovery of the material and immaterial educational heritage in the Maestrazgo region (Teruel) took shape. The practices of social museology, the recovery of the memory of students and teachers, archival work, and the transfer of academic knowledge have made it possible to promote it with seven recreated schools today. All of this constantly aspiring to the involvement of the communities not as passive receivers of knowledge but as the driving force behind this initiative.

How to Cite

Monforte García, E. ., & Sánchez Giménez, S. . (2023). A project for the recovery of educational heritage from the territory. The old schools in the region of Maestrazgo. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (30), 197–214. https://doi.org/10.35072/CABAS.2023.82.76.013
Abstract 173 | Cabas3011 (Español) Downloads 95



Educational historical heritage, rural school, museology, community

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