Papeles del CEIC 2023-1. Marzo
Special issue coordinated by Sergio E. Visacovsky on "Middle classes: recent historical and ethnographic contributions" with texts by Parker, Liechty, Kopper, Fernandes, and Jefferson and Pérez. Research articles include texts by Maureira-Velásquez and González-García, Grünenberg and Simonsen, and Francescutti. The section Inherited Identity is fed in this issue by the works of Luis Enrique Alonso and Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez, and Ana Grondona.
Published: 27-03-2023
Recent middle class studies. Historical and ethnographic contributions for a renewed research agenda
Abstract 306 | texto (Español) Downloads 597 | DOI
Page presentación
Ideas of class
Abstract 164 | texto (Español) Downloads 535 | DOI
Page papel 274
Middle-Class Déjà Vu: Conditions of Possibility from Victorian England to Contemporary Kathmandu
Abstract 463 | texto (Español) Downloads 611 | DOI
Page papel 275
Single Topic Issues
Middle Class Sensorial and Bottom-Up Condominization in Brazil’s Post-Neoliberal Public Housing
Abstract 207 | texto (Español) Downloads 583 | DOI
Page papel 276
In the Name of the Public: The Middle Classes and the State in Liberalizing India
Abstract 292 | texto (Español) Downloads 515 | DOI
Page papel 277
Modifying the American Dream: An Ethnography of Foreclosure Prevention in the Great Recession
Abstract 220 | texto (Español) Downloads 573 | DOI
Page papel 278
Research Articles
The Digitalization of Contemporary Life: Knowledge, Power and Subjectivation as ways of access to the Digital Experience
Abstract 576 | texto (Español) Downloads 893 | DOI
Page papel 279
Securing the Future? IDentity and Security among Migrants, Policymakers, and Tech Developers
Abstract 327 | texto (Español) Downloads 590 | DOI
Page papel 280
Expert’s Discourses about Climate Change in Spain: Communicate Uncertainties or not, that is the Question
Abstract 557 | texto (Español) Downloads 560 | DOI
Page papel 281
Inherited Identity
Identities on record. Some notes on the work with personal archives based on the experience with the Gino Germani found
Abstract 316 | texto (Español) Downloads 593 | DOI
Page heredada 10
From Discipline to Bliss: the Evolution of Corporate Identity in Managerial Discourses
Abstract 425 | texto (Español) Downloads 673 | DOI
Page heredada 9
Critical papers
Visacovsky, Sergio, y Garguin, Enrique (2021). Argentina y sus clases medias: panoramas de la investigación empírica en ciencias sociales. Buenos Aires: Biblios
Abstract 160 | texto (Español) Downloads 510 | DOI
Page papel crítico 90
Kopper, Moisés (2022). Architectures of Hope: Infrastructural Citizenship and Class Mobility in Brazil’s Public Housing. Michigan: University of Michigan Press
Abstract 132 | texto (Español) Downloads 468 | DOI
Page papel crítico 91
Barbosa Cruz, Mario, López-Pedreros, A. Ricardo, y Stern, Claudia (Eds.) (2022). The middle classes in Latin America: Subjectivities, practices and genealogies. New York: Routledge
Abstract 150 | texto (Español) Downloads 516 | DOI
Page papel crítico 92
Francescutti, Pablo (2021). Historia del futuro. Utopías y distopías después de la pandemia. Granada: Comares
Abstract 145 | texto (Español) Downloads 515 | DOI
Page papel crítico 93
Albertín Carbó, Pilar, y Langarita Adiego, José Antonio (Eds.) (2021). Prostitución, contextos fronterizos y corporalidad. Diálogos para la acción. Barcelona: Icaria
Abstract 177 | texto (Español) Downloads 518 | DOI
Page papel crítico 94