Añibarroren idazlanak I: Nekea Arindurik



Argitaratua 1987-04-02
Blanka Urgell


An annotated edition of the manuscript Nekea Arindurik ("Trails Lightened"), by Fray Pedro Antonio de Añibarro, who wrote in Vizcaya in the early 19th century. Unpublished until now, the manuscript is an excellent example of its author's best prose, as regards both the style and the use, by now hardly at all hesitant, of graphic and grammatical forms.
In the introduction and notes on the text, this is set in the context of its author's evolution, with references to other works of his as well as to the sources of his terminology (Larramendi and Axular). Emphasis is placed on the importance of the text in helping us to date Añibarro's work more precisely.

Nola aipatu

Urgell, Blanka. 1987. «Añibarroren Idazlanak I: Nekea Arindurik». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 21 (1):211-63. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.7835.
Abstract 209 | PDF Downloads 653



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