Plauto Bascongadoren eztabaida: testu-bilduma



Argitaratua 1988-04-02
Joseba Andoni Lakarra Blanka Urgell


Here we publish four controversial texts from the 19th century, all of them difficult to locate until now: the Plauto-Vascongado (1826) by Fray Bartolomé, the Plauto Polígloto (1828) by Lécluse, Iztueta's Carta (1829) to J.J. Moguel (Fray Bartolomé's editor), and the Anti-Plauto-Polígloto (1829) by Fray Bartolome. It is pointed out in the introduction that although the starting point of the debate was Fray Bartolomé's interpretation of the supposed Basque passage in Plautus' Poenulus (disputed by Lécluse), the polemic soon moved on to grammatical and lexicographical questions when Fray Bartolomé, in his turn, blindly attacked Lécluse's Manuel de la Langue Basque. Even political and religious questions became involved, owing to the outraged friar's attack on Iztueta's Guipuzcoaco Dantzen Condaira.

Nola aipatu

Lakarra, Joseba Andoni, eta Blanka Urgell. 1988. «Plauto Bascongadoren Eztabaida: Testu-Bilduma». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 22 (2):479-539.
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