ESKU-LIBURUAREN hiztegi aldaketak: 1. mailebuak



Argitaratua 1987-04-02
Blanka Urgell


This essay on the borrowed words eliminated by the Bizkaian writer Añibarro in the second edition of his work Esku-Liburua ("Handbook") shows us an author engaged in a careful process of lexical selection, designed to limit the introduction of borrowed words but never to eradicate them, and in this way following precisely the directions of his master Larramendi. Moreover, the evident reduction in borrowed words in no way implies any increase in the appearance of neologisms; on the contrary, it appears that Añibarro gave top priority to the needs of his less learned readers, employing compound words and derivations with moderation, and preferring to express more or less technical terms with simple and common words (cf. Urgell 1985).
   The basic works of reference used for this essay are the Diccionario Trilingüe by P. Larramendi, and Voces Bascongadas by Añibarro himself, the aim being to make any judgments on the borrowings as objective as possible by applying the criteria of the period in question, and to contrast the solutions adopted in the Esku-Liburua with the proposals to be found in the dictionaries which the author had at his disposal.

Nola aipatu

Urgell, Blanka. 1987. «ESKU-LIBURUAREN Hiztegi Aldaketak: 1. Mailebuak». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 21 (3):683-708.
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