Goñerriko hizkera (II)



Argitaratua 2000-04-02
Iñaki Camino


We introduce the second part of our work on Goñi Valley Basque. Here was deal with some verb morphology and syntax aspects and compare them to varieties in surrounding valleys. A forthcoming third part of this work will include lexical aspects and an attempt to place dialectologically the Goñi Valley variety and other southern varieties within what is currently known as Navarrese dialect.

Nola aipatu

Camino, Iñaki. 2000. «Goñerriko Hizkera (II)». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 34 (1):137-96. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.8771.
Abstract 233 | PDF Downloads 591



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