The Spanish lampoons of Tolosa and the Basque offensive verses of Elduain: two texts of 1619
With the aim of contextualizing the text of the verses that bascologists have known under the title of “Lampoons of Tolosa of 1619”, we have analyzed all the documents of the process in which they were collected, and have clarified that the offensive verses in Basque that begin Adarrac emaiten dira Miraballesen... are not part of the lampoons that appeared in Tolosa (which were written in Spanish), but were found in the house of Joan Olaondo, priest of Elduain, along with many other documents, in one of the searches for the author of the lampoons of Tolosa. We have published all the documents collected in the search of the curial house of Elduain and we have made a special effort to fix the text of the offensive verses in Basque. We have tried to clarify who was the author of the verses in Basque, but we have not reached any definitive conclusion: the priest of Leaburu Joan Otazu was the main accused in the process, but the experts who analyzed the handwriting of the verses in Basque cited the priest of Lizartza Pedro Olazabal Mendigibel and the neighbor of Tolosa Domingo Katategi. Additionally, we have shown that in Tolosaldea, at the beginning of the 17th century, the use of verses in Basque and Castilian, both written and improvised, were frequent in the confrontations between neighbors.
How to Cite
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