Nerbioi ibarreko euskara XVIII eta XIX. mendeetan: II. Juan Ignazio Astigarragaren sermoi-bilduma



Publicado 06-06-2011
Eneko Zuloaga


In this paper we will analyze Juan Ignazio Astigarraga's (Basauri, Biscay, 1783-1854) Basque language. He wrote many sermons on the early XIXth century, and we will analise those sermons from a dialectologic and historic point of view, looking for a general view of the Basque dialect of Basauri in the early XIXth century. After a short introduction, we will focus on the main language features appeared in the mentioned texts. For that purpouse, we will take into acount some other authors from Nerbioi Valley of different epochs, in order to have a general view of the facts.

Cómo citar

Zuloaga, Eneko. 2011. «Nerbioi Ibarreko Euskara XVIII Eta XIX. Mendeetan: II. Juan Ignazio Astigarragaren Sermoi-Bilduma». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 45 (1):235-76.
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