Criticism of the symbolic project The metaphysical function of art and architecture



Published 2020-12-30
Emilio Varela Froján


It is known that the works due to the symbolic thought have always given us myths and masks as a result. By idealizing and figuring, by imagining and representing things and beings of the world as symbols, the necessary rites and gods were invented and the different religions were formulated, as protections against the irremediable fact of death. In addition, architecture was created, places between masks and landscapes, full of symbols and forms for the expression of power. A thought, the symbolic one, and a light, the imagination, that we have imposed on Nature; landscapes and languages manufactured and figurative from the natural, that force us to an interpretation and a figuration alien to the object, of an erroneous subjective nature.

How to Cite

Varela Froján, Emilio. 2020. “Criticism of the Symbolic Project: The Metaphysical Function of Art and Architecture”. AusArt 8 (2).
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