Giving “voice” to historical scientific instruments



Published 15-12-2022
José Antonio Mañas Valle Manuel López Mestanza


The Andalusian Museum of Education has a collection of more than 850 historical scientific instruments for research and teaching (some from the 18th century, and many from the 19th and 20th centuries). The aim of this work is to present the possibilities that scientific instruments made more than two centuries ago can provide today to those who do not know them. In addition to the role played in their creation by inventors and manufacturers, we will look at the no less important role of those responsible for their marketing. The sales catalogues in which these objects were presented are nowadays true bibliographic gems due to the quality of the texts and the engravings contained in them.

How to Cite

Mañas Valle, J. A., & López Mestanza, M. (2022). Giving “voice” to historical scientific instruments. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (28), 113–134. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 38 | Cabas2808 (Español) Downloads 23



MAE, education, history of education, scientific instruments

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