The primary instruction in the constitution of 1812 and its consequences in the giennense city council of Jódar
The constitution of 1812 is, until now, the only one in the history of Spain that has included a title exclusively on the subject of education, to Public Instruction, more exactly was the title IX, intro-ducing very important and renovating ideas for those times, as the defense of the universality of primary education for all the population without exceptions that is, a school of first letters in all the towns of the Monarchy, where one learns to read, write and count, and the uniformity of the plans of teachings for the whole State. We will show and analyze an allegation of the population of Jódar from Jaén to the Magna Letter of the Cadiz courts, which shows the willingness to adhere to such a commendable initiative to create schools of first letters in the municipality of Jódar (Jaén), at the same time that it exalts the most noble and enlightened principles in educational matters. Finally we will see how that will was concretized through the creation of a local school in charge of the teacher Vicente de Torres.
How to Cite
primary education, constitution of 1812, Jódar, history of education, universal education, read, write, count, christian doctrine, Vicente de Torres
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