Bilingual Education Programmes in Cantabria: Foreign Language Mediation in a New Educative Scenario.



Published 15-06-2014
Javier Barbero Andrés


The adoption, generalization and consolidation of bilingual programmes in Cantabria responds to the complete adscription of our Autonomous Community in the Education evolution characteristic of our national, European and international environment. Key documents like the Common European Framework of Reference; powerful tools like the European Language Portfolio; and methodological innovations like Content and Language Integrated Learning assume definitely the new role of foreign languages in general and English in particular as a mediation code to have access to new content and realities...The short history of bilingual programmes in Cantabria is a very significant example of adaptation of the big European decisions into a specific regional context through specific, coherent and highly recognisable Education policy.

How to Cite

Barbero Andrés, J. (2014). Bilingual Education Programmes in Cantabria: Foreign Language Mediation in a New Educative Scenario. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (11), 40–70. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 36 | Cabas1104 (Español) Downloads 27



bilingual education, Education system, foreign languages, methodology

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