Cinema and recent history of the Spanish education Story of a valuable experience for teacher training



Published 15-06-2014
Virginia Guichot Reina


We show the Project Cinema and Oral Memory: two great resources for the study about the educational contemporary past developed with students of the last year in the degree of Pedagogy in the University of Seville. This includes the use of films as a resource to work on the History of Education in Spain. In order to make the content concerning “Politics and Educational Legislation” more appealing to our students we have used different mechanisms by introducing innovative resources such as the creation of a web site. Here you can see the film which has been chosen to be studied in a specific educational period and you can consult different types of written documents, and listen to interviews of important people. You can also know from first hand experience the education of a specific historical moment, seeing posters and school objects from those years.

How to Cite

Guichot Reina, V. (2014). Cinema and recent history of the Spanish education Story of a valuable experience for teacher training. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (11), 141–160. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 70 | Cabas1109 (Español) Downloads 37



Cinema and History of Education, Oral Memory and the History of Education, Educational Contemporary Thought, Educational Innovation and the History of Education

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