The occasional lessons: A methodological strategy employed by primary schools in the New State



Published 15-06-2013
José Ramón López Bausela


Looking at what comprises an “occasional lesson” is the goal of the article that is presented here. The “occasional lesson” is a very popular methodological resource which was widely used by teachers in the New State to inculcate in the pupils a set of values and attitudes. These values make up the ideological corpus of the “victorious Spain” or the Spain of the “winners” which we remember from the Spanish Civil War. During Franco ́s time, the whole education system was based upon poles which were determined by the love of God and the Patriarch and, for this reason, the National Curriculum taught in Primary Schools was aimed to devolop this idea upon the generations who grew up during this time of conflict. This wenton for over 40 years. As a consequence of this, a teacher who came from Campaño in Pontevedra taught his first “occasional lesson”, Ráfagas, on 27th September 1939, a prime example of how this teaching process was managed in the schools of the “New Spain” during this time. The content of the lesson displays a clear example that, regardless the curricular material used, any education methodology ended up with a unique conclusion: driving Spanish infants through imperial routes towards a new Spain, where the modernization represented by the Second Republic would never stand ever again.

How to Cite

López Bausela, J. R. (2013). The occasional lessons: A methodological strategy employed by primary schools in the New State. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (09), 17–30. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 50 | Cabas0902 (Español) Downloads 32



Primary education, school programs, occasional lesson, curriculum, Franco's regime

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