Didactic experience: The exhibition “L ́escola d ́ahir” and the seminar- museum of the history of the school



Published 15-12-2012
Mª Jesús Llinares Ciscar


The didactic experience of the exhibition-museum “L ́escola d ́ahir” (Yesterday’s school) made in the Faculty of Teaching of Valencia has like objective open a study space on the historical evolution of the teaching and this practice, that have formed the school from century XIX to the present time. With this didactic experience we want get a constructive and participative learning, because the material shows historical models of teaching by means of innovating methodological proposals. The exhibition-museum serves as point of contact between professionals of the educative scope and pupils of teaching to make works of investigation and to harness the protection of the historical-educative patrimony.

How to Cite

Llinares Ciscar, M. J. (2012). Didactic experience: The exhibition “L ́escola d ́ahir” and the seminar- museum of the history of the school. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (08), 133–153. https://doi.org/10.35072/CABAS.2012.53.15.001 (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Exhibition-museum, didactic experience, historical-educative patrimony

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