No. 36 (2019): EKAIA 36

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria

2019ko 2. zenbakia

Published: 10-01-2020

Ale Arrunta


Fernando Plazaola Muguruza
Abstract 125 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 85 | DOI

Fabrication of micropatterns and their application in biomedicine

Eider Aldalur, Jose-Ramon Sarasua, Aitor Larrañaga, Jone M. Ugartemendia
Abstract 424 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 477 | DOI

Gene therapy: Novel therapeutic approach for treating ocular disorders

Julen Rodríguez-Castejón, Itziar Gómez-Aguado, Mónica Vicente-Pascual, Alicia Rodríguez-Gascón, Arantxazu Isla, María Ángeles Solinís, Ana del Pozo-Rodríguez
Abstract 681 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 369 | DOI

Therapeutic advances in Parkinson's disease

Maialen Duque, Ainhoa Sagarduy, Jorge E. Ortega, Teresa Morera-Herreras
Abstract 428 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 288 | DOI

Where do the increasing hypersensivity reactions come from? Hygiene and microbiote hypotheses

Maider Soraluze, Haritz Gurruchaga, Laura Saenz del Burgo
Abstract 421 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 451 | DOI

Mothers' lifestyle, environmental exposure and health system guidelines during pregnancy and children´s neurodevelopment. A review of works published in the INMA (Environment and Childhood-INfancia y Medio Ambiente) project

Izaro Babarro, Ainara Andiarena, Jesús Ibarluzea, Eduardo Fano, Juan Jose Aurrekoetxea, Nerea Lertxundi, Aitana Lertxundi, Mara Gallastegi, Amaia Irizar, Eva Pereda-Pereda, Nerea Urbieta, Loreto Santa Marina
Abstract 573 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 529 | DOI

Sphingolipids and cholesterol, more than structural lipids

Bingen G. Monasterio, Aritz B. Garcia-Arribas, Alicia Alonso, Felix M. Goñi
Abstract 369 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 333 | DOI

Methodology for the detection and analysis of corona effect in HVAC systems

Ane Miren Larrea, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Manuel Antonio de la Hoz, Javier Mazón, Elvira Fernández
Abstract 385 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 318 | DOI

Identifying UBE3A substrates to shed light into Angelman syndrome

Juanma Ramirez, Benoit Lectez, Nerea Osinalde, Nagore Elu, Ugo Mayor
Abstract 348 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 345 | DOI

Salivary gland embriogenesis and signaling pathways

Patricia Garcia-Gallastegi, Olatz Crende Arruabarrena
Abstract 411 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 299 | DOI

Experimental candidiasis models in the insect Galleria mellonella and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are useful to evaluate the virulence of Candida glabrata and related species

Ainara Hernando-Ortiz, Estibaliz Mateo, Marcelo Ortega-Riveros, Iker De-la-Pinta, Guillermo Quindós, Elena Eraso
Abstract 336 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 235 | DOI

Energy framework in the European Union. Energy Efficiency in Industry

Naiara Romero-Anton, Koldobika Martin-Eskudero, Luis Alfonso del-Portillo-Valdés
Abstract 441 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 457 | DOI

Energy poverty in Spain for years 2008, 2011 and 2014

Oihana Aristondo, Eneritz Onaindia, Ariane Barreras
Abstract 519 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 391 | DOI

Analysis of scientific knowledge of nearly zero energy buildings

Izaskun Alvarez Meaza, Enara Zarrabeitia Bilbao, Itziar Martinez de Alegria Mancisidor, Jasone Aranburu
Abstract 390 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 465 | DOI

Single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations in polyoxometalate-based systems: some temperature-triggered examples

Leticia Fernández-Navarro, Estibaliz Ruiz-Bilbao, Beñat Artetxe, Leire San Felices, Amaia Iturrospe, Santiago Reinoso
Abstract 361 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 335 | DOI

Diet and mobility studies based on stable isotopes: Same Middle Age graveyard examples

Iranzu Guede, Ainhoa Alonso-Olazabal, Maria Cruz Zuluaga, Luis Angel Ortega
Abstract 329 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 325 | DOI

Analysis and calibration of powder feeders used in laser based additive processes

Jon Iñaki Arrizubieta, Aitzol Lamikiz, Eneko Ukar, Naiara Ortega
Abstract 444 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 389 | DOI

Early time series classication analyzed as a multi-objective optimization problem

Irati Arrieta, Usue Mori, Alexander Mendiburu, Jose A. Lozano
Abstract 453 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 377 | DOI

Chagas disease in Europe: Not endemic but worthy of consideration

Gorka Gomez, Felix Olasagasti
Abstract 329 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 348 | DOI

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Paula Rivero Garcia
Abstract 133 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 69 | DOI