Eukal testu ahantzi bat frantses komedia batean



Argitaratua 1990-04-02
Ricardo Gómez


In this paper a short basque text included in a french comedy from XVIIth century is published and analyzed. That text appears in the second scene ofthe Raymond Poisson's comedy, Le Poète Basque. It seems difficult to specify which variety of Basque is used by Poisson; anyway, I try to demonstrate that text shows characteristics of the dialects of Labourd and Low Navarre.

Nola aipatu

Gómez, Ricardo. 1990. «Eukal Testu Ahantzi Bat Frantses Komedia Batean». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 24 (1):301-5.
Abstract 185 | PDF Downloads 109



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