XVI. mendeko mendebaldeko lekukotasun berri bat: Sarasketa hiztegitxoa



Published 15-10-2012
F. Borja Aginagalde Blanca Urgell


Our aim is to present a short Spanish-Basque word list written in the margins of a document of 1502 preserved in the Archive of the House Monzón-Olaso (Monzón de Olaso Foundation, Vergara). Because of the type of writing, we can date it by the middle of s. XVI , and the analysis of Basque forms confirms that probably reflects the dialect of Vergara itself or its environment. Within the meager corpus of Archaic Basque (until 1600), the word list provides some first documentations, and even some hapax, as well as important evidence for the history of nasal vowels, long or geminate vowels, and so on; moreover, it also offers some phonetic and lexical data that could shed some light on the history of the Spanish of the Basque Country.

How to Cite

Aginagalde, F. Borja, and Blanca Urgell. 2012. “XVI. Mendeko Mendebaldeko Lekukotasun Berri Bat: Sarasketa Hiztegitxoa”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 46 (2):13-29. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.13442.
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