Martin Harriet Añibarrorengan



Argitaratua 1992-04-02
Blanka Urgell


This paper gives new evidence about the relationship between Basque writers and grammarians from both sides of the Pyrenees. Two short lists of words compiled at the beginnings of the XIXth century by Añibarro, a writer, grammarian and lexicographer from Biscay, contribute, once again, to confirm it. Añibarro elaborated his two lists using the glossaries of Harriet's grammar (1741). In this way, Añibarro becomes, together with Larramendi and Lécluse, a basic source to be taken into account when dealing with the northern lexicon until the second half of the XIXth century. The first part of this paper shows how Añibarro's tract shares Larramendi's (and his followers) interest in the Basque northen literature. Añibarro's translation of Axular places him as one of the most autstanding personalities in Larramendi's circle of followers. The second part deals, mostly, with the characteristics of the text, Añibarro's difficulties with regard to the graphical usage of Harriet's grammar. He misunderstands some of Harriet's French and original Basque words. Finally, some considerations about the purpose for the making of both lists are offered.

Nola aipatu

Urgell, Blanka. 1992. «Martin Harriet Añibarrorengan». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 26 (1):221-58.
Abstract 167 | PDF Downloads 196

