About the Journal

LAN HARREMANAK - Revista de Relaciones Laborales is a journal published by the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work (Bizkaia Campus) of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU PRESS), which has been published since 1999 (on paper and, from issue 25 onwards, only in digital format). Lan Harremanak is published every six months (June and December).
Current Issue
Full Issue
Monographic section
Just transition and ensuring ‘healthy’ working hours
María Teresa Igartua Miró
Updates to the right to adapt working hours under article 34.8 Workers´ Statute following the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1158 through Royal Decree-Lay 5/2023
Delyana Milenova Koseva
Paid leave after Royal Decree-Law 5/2023: Pending issues and new interpretative challenge
José Antonio Rueda Monroy
The impact of care tasks on the employment relationship: adaptation of the time and form of care
Mercedes López Balaguer
New forms of flexible work: organising working time to promote the work-life balance
Ana Aguas Blasco
Keys about the urgent working time reform
Francisco José Trillo Parraga
Impacts of the Working Time Reduction to 37.5 hours a week in Spain to solve main labour problems
Verónica Castrillon Serna, Jon Bernat Zubiri Rey
Open section
Conflict and strike: realities of the past?
Judicial doctrine regarding teleworkers' work accidents: an extrapolation exercise
Rubén López Fernández
Evolution of the regulations referring to social protection to exercise the profession when it is mandatory to register in the corresponding professional college
The long and tortuous jurisprudential process regarding the accumulation of birth and child care benefit for single-parent families
Eder Niño Bravo
Gender gaps in Blue Economy employment: especially in the maritime sector
Francisca Bernal Santamaría
The right to digital disconnection and its legal development
María Encarnación Gil Pérez
Reseña bibliográfica
Reseña de José Luis Monereo Pérez, Antonio Márquez Prieto, María Isabel Granados Romera, María Nieves Moreno Vida y Francisco Vila Tierno (directores) y Belén del Mar López Insua y Jorge Baquero Aguilar (coordinadores): El conflicto de trabajo: procedimientos autónomos de solución y medidas de presión colectiva, Ediciones Laborum, Murcia, 2024, 1ª edición, 478 páginas
Sandys Menoya Zayas
Reseña de AAVV: La integración de la práctica profesional y la gamificación como estrategias de innovación docente en la enseñanza de las ciencias jurídico-sociales y económicas, Editorial Dykinson, Madrid, 2024, 2024, 498 páginas.
Rafael José López Bedmar
- No.52 (2024)
- No.51 (2024)
- No.50 (2023)
- No.49 (2023)
- No.48 (2023)
- No.47 (2022)
- No.46 (2021)
- No.45 (2021)
- No.44 (2020)
- No.43 (2020)
- No.42 (2019)
- No.41 (2019)
- No.40 (2018)
- No.39 (2018)
- No.38 (2017)
- No.37 (2017)
- No.36 (2017)
- No.35 (2017)
- No.34 (2016)
- No.33 (2016)
- No.32 (2015)
- No.31 (2014)
- No.30 (2014)
- No.29 (2014)
- No.28 (2013)
- No.27 (2012)
- No.26 (2012)
- No.25 (2011)
- No.24 (2011)
- No.23 (2010)
- No.22 (2010)
- No.20-21 (2009)
- No.19 (2008)
- No.18 (2008)
- No.16 (2008)
- No.17 (2007)
- No.15 (2006)
- No.14 (2006)
- No.0 (2006)
- No.13 (2005)
- No.12 (2005)
- No.11 (2004)
- No.10 (2004)
- No.9 (2003)
- No.8 (2003)
- No.0 (2003)
- No.7 (2002)
- No.6 (2002)
- No.0 (2002)
- No.5 (2001)
- No.4 (2001)
- No.3 (2000)
- No.2 (2000)
- No.0 (2000)
- No.1 (1999)
- No. ()