'The kiss in the forest' Artistic queer ethnographic practices and relational identity



Published 2023-10-26
Elena García-Oliveros Hedilla


The kiss in the forest (Toxic Lesbian, 2019-2023) is the title of this artistic creation that is set in the framework of Social Practices in Art. A study is done of a case that illustrates a new production paradigm, which is alternative for other ways of relating with the audiences in art that differ from the conventional market system. This investigation links the case of dissident anti-racist-gender-sex communities in the city of Madrid which collaborate in the project with the keys of why artists that are critical with pre-established things, abandon essentialisms in high art and the market and penetrate in their processes in the generation of that which is communal and its story. As a result of the ethnographic analysis by Ardenne (2002), Foster (1996) or Rockwell (1985), these methodologies will be connected to other ways for the aesthetic experience. Hernando (2015, 2018, 2022) on the other hand, will provide the theoretical references to do with relational identity construction that underlines these types of practices.

How to Cite

García-Oliveros Hedilla, Elena. 2023. “’The Kiss in the forest’: Artistic Queer Ethnographic Practices and Relational Identity”. AusArt 11 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.24809.
Abstract 217 | PDF (Español) Downloads 274




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