The Museum of School and Popular Education and the Ce.S.I.S, between the investigation, the third mission and heritage education



Published 15-12-2022
Rosella Andreassi Alberto Barausse


This contribution aims to present the experience of the Museum of School and Popular Education of the University of Molise (MuSEP). The Museum was officially born in 2013 as an emanation of the Ce.S. I.S (Documentation and Research Centre on the History of School Institutions, the School Book and Children's Literature existing since 2006 and both belonging to the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education ). The MuSEP has also been part of the Museunimol University Museum System since 2017. The Museum performs multiple functions related to the enhancement of educational historical heritage.
The contribution aims to illustrate the close relationship between the orientations of school history research carried out through the Ce.S.I.S. and that of the Museum oriented towards the activation of significant experiences in the valorisation of individual and collective school memory. It also illustrates the design of the different heritage education activities carried out by the Museum over the years, dividing them by methodological types and audience differences. The didactic activities are created to enhance forms of citizenship education that include both school courses and educa-tional proposals for families, expressed in diversified forms of teaching in workshops for inclusive education.

How to Cite

Andreassi, R., & Barausse, A. (2022). The Museum of School and Popular Education and the Ce.S.I.S, between the investigation, the third mission and heritage education. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (28), 207–224. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Historical Educational Heritage, University Research Centres, University School Museums, Theory and Methodology of the History of Education

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