New audiences at the Museum of Education of the Universidad del País Vasco
The Museum of Education of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea was created in 2014 and inaugurated in 2016. In this article we present its organisation. The museum is structured into three main areas dedicated to the Basque language and education, the school area and teaching and learning, and then we describe the new audiences that have been formed over time through educational activities: university and non-university students, adults and people with some form of dementia. For these groups we have organised these activities, the aim of which is to promote active citizenship and the consideration of the museum from an inclusive perspective. In the development of these activities, we have taken into account the tasks, workshops and discussions that have taken place, as well as an evaluation of them. All these activities are fundamental to give new functions to the museum, enhancing the transfer of results to society.
How to Cite
Education Museum, Basque Country, Dynamisation, Dissemination, New audiences, Active citizenship
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