Access to basic education in Cantabria during the Franco regime, 1937-1975



Published 15-06-2021
Ángel Llano Díaz


Access to elementary education in the current region of Cantabria during the Franco regime was not easy for many children. After differentiating the types of state schools, the evolution of the public school network in Cantabria is studied, analyzing the evolution of the number of units, typology, spatial distribution and its impact on the ease or difficulty of access to basic education.
Two periods have been considered, being the change in the mid-1960s. Economic development and the growth of the middle class were the causes of this change in the cycle, which materialized in the General Education Law of 1970. The debate that arose in Cantabria on schooling and gra-tuity with the application of that law is studied.

The design of an educational system for the benefit of certain social groups, the application of the principle of subsidiarity and the lack of investment in public education, led to 80% of the popula-tion of Cantabria having only a primary education level in 1970.

How to Cite

Llano Díaz, Ángel . (2021). Access to basic education in Cantabria during the Franco regime, 1937-1975. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (25), 33–88. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 36 | Cabas2503 (Español) Downloads 14



elementary school, independent schools, community schools, voluntary schools, education rights, schooling, education grants, Cantabria

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