The VI Congress of the International Federation of Teachers Associations (FIAM-FIAI). Santander, 1933



Published 15-06-2016
Ángel Llano Díaz


In August 1933 took place in Santander the Sixth Congress of IFMA, which involved the helding in Spain of one of the major international conferences of education and internationalization of the leading professional association of Spanish teachers, the National Association Primary teachers. The relevance of this Congress passed the professional aspects and educational raised at first, which focused on criticizing education cuts caused by the crisis of 1929, education for peace and the study of the conditions for changing of primary to secondary, to stop focusing on the confrontation between the German Nazi union and the European democratic unions. The primary sources used were The Journal of pedagogy -source first order to know the evolution of international associations in those years and its relationship with the Spanish- teachers and local press. Also important is the contribution of personal memories of the former Secretary of IFMA for many years, Louis Dumas, collected in 1961.

How to Cite

Llano Díaz, Ángel. (2016). The VI Congress of the International Federation of Teachers Associations (FIAM-FIAI). Santander, 1933. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (15), 1–18. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Magisterium, Labor union, Education for Peace, Entrance exams for Education Secondary, International cooperation, International Federation of the Teacher's Associations

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