Infant school teachers at the beginning of the 20th century in Chile



Published 15-06-2014
Estela Socías Muñoz


The article describes the development of preschool education in Chile. We can see how as fas as in the pre-Columbian period there was a focus on the early years of the child. At the middle of the nineteenth century, we found what were called "play groups" and some kindergarten. The fröebeliana influence is increasingly apparent. In the early twentieth century, the need for work of Chilean mothers raises the idea of a preschool education maintained by the state. The Kindergarten Teachers Association is formed. At the middle of the twentieth century, a School for Infant Teachers is founded. From that decade, infant education was developed more professionally and with a number of changes that generated better conditions for a permanent deployment.

How to Cite

Socías Muñoz, E. (2014). Infant school teachers at the beginning of the 20th century in Chile. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (11), 16–24. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 45 | Cabas1102 (Español) Downloads 19



Chile, toddler, ranging from pre-school, Kindergarten

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